foundational research

How might we create a trusted partner for Millennials so as to help them make the right short- and long-term financial decisions?

It’s the question that every major consumer bank is asking itself these days. In an aggressive one-week sprint with a leading international bank, our team set out to find the solution.

We interviewed 20- and 30-somethings from across the board: the self-employed, the family-oriented, the creative types, and so on. When combined with secondary research, these interviews revealed a trending persona among our audience. We called him Vaughn.

Like most millennials, Vaughn values freedom and flexibility, but isn't willing to sacrifice his current lifestyle for long term ‘financial stability.” Unless he has something to save for, like a new car or camera, Vaughn doesn't proactively save.

The funny thing is, even when Vaughn makes arguably poor financial choices, he contends that he knows what to do to be financially secure in the future. For Vaughn, there's a gap in the roadmap toward financial goals. Vaughn knows he'll be okay, but struggles to hold himself accountable in practice. Money management is seen as something he thinks he'll figure out in the long run, but the traditional "grownup" routes to getting there are stressful, restrictive, and dated.

The most meaningful insight from our research was that, without help building sustainable habits, millennials will only save when they have something to save for. The market is rife with brands aiming to solve the problem by facilitating goal-setting Meanwhile, no one is helping them build consistent, sustainable financial habits outside of the one-off occasions. With that perspective, we set out to answer a new question:






Strategist, Researcher, Prototype Designer, Presentation Designer